“For the First Time” Album Review

Hannah’s Take: I had never heard of Black Country, New Road until Matt mentioned them to me, which is not necessarily surprising since “For the first time” is the group’s first album. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was excited to go into this review with no idea of what might be waiting for me.


The six-track album opens with an impassioned instrumental number, appropriately titled “Instrumental.” I enjoyed this little intro into what was to be expected from the rest of the album: lengthy songs with heavy drum solos and narrative lyrics.


When I listen to music, I focus primarily on the sound itself before I even attempt to dissect the meaning hidden within the lyrics. I will say “For the first time” is a bit obscure lyrically, an album you need to revisit if you want to fully unpack the story. My interpretation of the lyrics as a whole, however, is that the album could be taken quite literally. Lead vocalist Isaac Wood wails on about the trials of everyday life parallel to the existential turmoil young adults so often feel. My favorite example of this being: “Mother is juicing watermelons on the breakfast island/And with frail hands she grips the Nutribullet/And the bite of its blades reminds me/Of a future I am in no way part of.”


I don’t know exactly how to categorize Black Country, New Road’s genre. Despite this, I’d say it skirts the line between classic rock and eclectic jazz. The angst and emotion present throughout each track will surely leave an impact on teenage and young adult listeners.


Overall, I think Black Country, New Road has released a real game changer here. Something so powerfully emotional, while still remaining formulaic in each track. While it wasn’t necessarily my favorite recently released album, I appreciate the group’s dedication to both the obscure and the ordinary.


Three Standout Tracks: “Sunglasses,” “Track X,” and Opus.


Overall Score: 7.5/10