“For the First Time” Album Review

Evan’s Take: Well, this was a solid first release.


The album was recommended to me by Matt, who emphasized the Slint vibes. I totally agree with him on the comparison. I am blown away by the fact that this is the first release from a band that is still in its early years of formation and performing. Everything feels so right and exciting upon each re-listen.


And the crispness of the bass on the tracks… YES! Scratch that, all of the instruments sound wonderful. The production on this album sounds natural and exceptionally perfect, which can feel like a rarity nowadays with certain rock releases. There is an ageless quality to the sound that makes it feel like this album will stick around with us for a while. It captures the anxiety of our times while also providing raw yet beautiful moments throughout the listening experience. Everything feels like it’s in the correct place, which is incredible given that this is an experimental rock album. From the lyricisms to the spontaneous instrumental works, everything is tight yet fluid. 


If I had to provide some criticism… Because I am a negative person, naturally… I think that some tracks should’ve been broken into several different tracks. I’m not suggesting that the music itself should be changed, because it is really good, but there are moments, thanks to the experimentation, that makes me feel like I am listening to different songs while I am listening to the same track. I get that that could be the case and on purpose but I think, upon each listen of this album, I was trying to see the future of this group. This group has the potential to really make it big after this release and I strongly urge you to listen to this album. Their goal might not be to get mass appeal but I think they should because this is truly exciting stuff that the rock genre really needs. I think breaking the tracks down might make it more digestible for new listeners.


But then again, that could just be me…


With that said, I look forward to hearing more from this act. Whatever they bring us next and if it sounds like this or something even more interesting, time will only tell. All I know is that I will be recommending this to as many people as I can.


Let’s just hope the sophomore slump doesn’t strike…


Three Standout Tracks: “Instrumental,” “Science Fair,” and “Track X.”


Overall Score: 9.5/10